Our Story....
Pittsburg Freewill Baptist Church is an established church, growing together with the people of Pittsburg IL and the surrounding communities to meet their needs. We are here to help you in any way that we can. We want you, and hundreds of others in this community, to know that God really cares about you. We also care, and that is why we are here.
PFWBC is affiliated with the National Association of Free Will Baptists, a denomination with almost a quarter of a million members. The name Free Will Baptist is common in Southern Illinois, since Free Will Baptists have been in America since the early 1700s.
Our church teaches about Jesus, the perfect Son of God. Jesus loves everyone. Though each of us has failed God and sinned against Him, He still loves us. He loved us enough to die on the cross. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. We confidently believe that Christ rose from the dead and lives today in Heaven.
What makes Free Will Baptists different from many other churches is that we believe God gives every person a free choice about whether or not to follow Christ. Throughout this life, we can either accept his love and forgiveness or go our own way rejecting Him. Those who accept Christ have a personal relationship with Him that can last forever. It is this relationship that makes life worth living.
PFWBC is affiliated with the National Association of Free Will Baptists, a denomination with almost a quarter of a million members. The name Free Will Baptist is common in Southern Illinois, since Free Will Baptists have been in America since the early 1700s.
Our church teaches about Jesus, the perfect Son of God. Jesus loves everyone. Though each of us has failed God and sinned against Him, He still loves us. He loved us enough to die on the cross. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. We confidently believe that Christ rose from the dead and lives today in Heaven.
What makes Free Will Baptists different from many other churches is that we believe God gives every person a free choice about whether or not to follow Christ. Throughout this life, we can either accept his love and forgiveness or go our own way rejecting Him. Those who accept Christ have a personal relationship with Him that can last forever. It is this relationship that makes life worth living.
Sea of Galilee
Expanding the vision...

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Sunday Service Times
Sunday School 9:00 am
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Sunday Evening 6:00 pm
(dismissed on last Sunday
Evening each month)
Sunday School 9:00 am
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Sunday Evening 6:00 pm
(dismissed on last Sunday
Evening each month)